Defining the D&I disconnect

The D&I disconnect in policymaking can be defined as the misalignment between rhetoric and action and the lack of representation in policymaking bodies and decision-making processes.

For instance, in early September 2023, the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's recent #SOTU speech listed her recent achievements on gender equality:

✅ Women on Boards Directive, 

✅ EU accession to the Istanbul Convention, and

✅ Directive on pay transparency. 

Many, in a typical Brussels-esque way, congratulated her efforts while stating, "Our work to achieve gender equality is far from over, and we must continue to press for progress." This stuff writes itself. Important topics like the climate crisis, the economy, or migration got all the attention. And rightly so.

But we forgot to ask: “What does this even mean in people’s day-to-day context?” And we forgot that conversations around these important topics are intersectional with the diversity and inclusion of the people they affect.


How did we get here?

A few years ago Ryan Heath, the then Senior EU Correspondent and Associate Editor at Politico Europe called out the diversity issue in Brussels via #BrusselsSoWhite. Read further

D&I experts, organisations and The Nine

“We have enough on our plates”, “There is so much work,” “Even if he had to take it on, what are you talking about? Where do we start? And what does good look like?” Please don’t be overwhelmed; there are already... Good things happening in Brussels. Read further

D&I disconnect in policymaking

Those who have worked in the EU Bubble for many years know that the D&I disconnect in policymaking is not just today’s reality; that's “just how things have always been done here”. In this town, putting people, not the economy, at the centre of policymaking will get you a “Say what?!” reaction in this town. Read further