D&I organisations, experts and The Nine

Many EU policymakers have been calling for mental health to be considered a strategic priority. They are recognising that bullying, harassment, and toxic behaviours continue to be the leading causes of burnout and mental health issues among employees. I am not sure we have statistics on burnout cases among those working in the EU bubble. I know that when employees look for social support from colleagues and a workplace that prioritises employee wellbeing over job performance, many find their policy colleagues draft position papers on how inclusive their organisation, industry, or cause is. This is the reality in Brussels. If proposals like the Women on Boards Directive or Equal Pay for Equal Work are to be taken seriously, D&I and the policymaking process must intersect. 

D&I organisations, experts and The Nine

I have seen an increase in the number of D&I organisations and leaders in Brussels, who are incredibly knowledgeable about how the highest levels of advocacy organisations can create positive work environments, the critical role of transformational leadership in enabling this, and how our greatest crisis cannot be solved without intersectionality with D&I. 

The Nine is a breathtakingly beautiful place where women and male allies can connect and find inspiration from one another. Here you will hear people speak about the importance of diversity of thought, lived experiences, and the inclusion of perspectives from people from all walks of life in Brussels' policy work.

D&I experts and organisations: Follow these incredible voices (in no particular order)


D&I disconnect in policymaking

Those who have worked in the EU Bubble for many years know that the D&I disconnect in policymaking is not just today’s reality; that's “just how things have always been done here”. In this town, putting people, not the economy, at the centre of policymaking will get you a “Say what?!” reaction in this town. Read further

How did we get here?

A few years ago Ryan Heath, the then Senior EU Correspondent and Associate Editor at Politico Europe called out the diversity issue in Brussels via #BrusselsSoWhite. Read further

Defining the D&I disconnect

The D&I disconnect in policymaking can be defined as the misalignment between rhetoric and action and the lack of representation in policymaking bodies and decision-making processes. Read further