Considerations for online safety as we look forward to #SID2024

There is a buzz building among teams striving to ensure online safety as we approach Safer Internet Day on February 6th, 2024. (I know 2024 is almost here). Many are in planning mode, from events, campaigns to op-eds and more. Kudos to the #SID2024 team for picking such a relevant theme, "Connect. Reflect. Protect."

In line with this theme and amid the ever-changing needs and priorities, those working in the online safety space (Trust and Safety professionals) are doing commendable work. They are actively listening to their users, developing tools to address users' experiences, learning about what actions will help build trust, what policies they must adhere to while also navigating the delicate balance of maintaining their own mental well-being. Here are a few points I am discussing with those in my network 👇

SID2024 by Shweta Kulkarni Van Biesen

Online safety data webinars: A call for creativity and conversation


A D&I disconnect in policymaking